2024-Present : Stephen King
2023-2024: Sean McKeon
2016-2023: Peter Layden
2010-2016: Sean McKeon
2008-2010: Keelan Doran
2006-2008: Kevin Coffey
2004-2006: Gerry Fitzgerald
1999-2004: Jim Newcombe
1995-1999: Liam Farrell
Honorary Treasurer
2016-Present: Bryan Kelly
2000-2016: Peter Layden
1995-2000: Gerry Fitzgerald
Honorary Secretary
2024-Present: Frank Barber
2022-2024: Aengus Martin
2016-2022: Niall Hanrahan
2008-2016: Aoife Kelly
Past Executive Committee Members
The Club would also like to acknowledge the contribution of past members of the Executive Committee. There may be some gaps in our collective memory – please do Contact Us – Carrick on Shannon Rugby Club to correct the record should we have missed someone out!
Emmett Argue
Maeve Argue
Kevin Coffey
Seamus Connolly
Jim Dolan
Pat Early
Liam Farrell
Justin Farrell
Gerry Fitzgerald
Owen Gibney
Niall Hanrahan
Sean Hynes
Peter Hollidge
Peter Layden
Maeve Lenihan
Aidan Lenihan
Aileen McGovern
Sean McKeon
Colm McWeeney
Gary Molloy
Jim Newcombe
Philip Smyth
Donal Woods